...too long in fact, and I am well aware of it. To simplify my writing here (and hopefully make me do it more often!), I will write only in English from now on. Secondly, I will try to write at least twice a week, and with suggestions of sites, plays, films, etc as well as the occasional anecdote about my student life. Everybody happy? Good. ^^
Here's the two designs which I made for the university's fencing club, a lovely congregation of mad people of all studies that like poking one another with metal sticks...

As I am also part of Broad-Ways, a student run theatre group writing, directing and producing their own plays, I designed the poster for the upcoming writers' collaboration project Lost In The Woods. (Yes, it is inspired by Into The Woods.)

Last but not least, let me recommend two shows to you: Propeller's 'Pocket Dream' http://www.propeller.org.uk/current_productions (which also made me want a waterphone - sound sample:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSnr5RQJjbA , if anyone has the time and equipment to make me one for Christmas, here's instructions http://www.em411.com/show/blog/7895/0/DIY_Waterphone.html), highly enjoyable Shakespeare by an all male company and 'The Mill' by Ockham's Razor (http://www.ockhamsrazor.co.uk/wp/?page_id=191), a stunning piece of devised physical theatre.
Enjoy and until soon! (I hope ^^)